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Seasonal Allergy Relief for Dogs: What You Need to Know

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If increased paw licking arrives with the onset of spring or constant scratching marks the return of autumn, your dog may be experiencing seasonal allergies. There are several different types of allergies affecting dogs. According to Embark data, 10.7% of dogs experience an environmental or seasonal allergy. 

Learn more about the causes and symptoms of seasonal allergies in dogs and the best ways to provide them with allergy relief.

Understanding seasonal allergies in dogs

Some triggers of seasonal allergies (sometimes called atopic dermatitis or atopy) in dogs are similar to those that affect humans. Seasonal allergies are caused by allergens in the environment. When allergens are present at high levels, which usually happens when the seasons change, it can trigger a dog’s immune system to overreact.

According to PetMD, inhaling or touching pollen from grasses, flowers, weeds, and trees can be a common allergy trigger. Mold and mildew exposure may also trigger allergies. Genetic factors play a role in a dog’s allergic response and can influence the severity of their symptoms.

Symptoms of seasonal allergies in dogs, like itchiness and sore red spots, are similar to the signs of food allergies, contact allergies, and other conditions. Veterinarians often use a process of elimination to rule out other conditions and diagnose a dog with allergies. For that reason, it’s helpful to keep track of when your dog’s symptoms appear, so that you and your veterinarian can narrow down the cause and find the right course of treatment.

Signs and symptoms of seasonal allergies

Itchy skin, perhaps the most common symptom of seasonal allergies, often causes secondary signs, such as intense scratching, licking, and chewing of the irritated areas. Other common signs of allergies include:

  • Excessive licking, usually of the paws and belly
  • Redness in certain areas of the skin
  • Open sores or hot spots
  • Hair loss or bald patches
  • Infections in the ears, paws, or other areas

Some behavioral changes, like attention seeking or reduced adherence to training at these times of the year, may also be signs of seasonal allergies. According to a study shared by the American Veterinary Medical Association, some of these behaviors stem from the stress and severity of the itchiness, especially for pets with atopic dermatitis.

Tips for managing seasonal allergies in dogs

There is no cure for seasonal allergies, but there are ways to manage them and provide your dog with allergy relief:

  • Reduce allergen exposure or eliminate it entirely, if possible. This might mean preventing your dog from accessing a certain part of the yard or using an air filter at home to minimize pollen inhalation. 
  • Bathing your dog with a soothing oatmeal shampoo or wiping down their paws after walks can help remove allergens and address symptoms of a reaction. If your dog has a recurring skin infection, an antibacterial or antifungal ointment may help. Consult with your veterinarian about which topical treatment is right for your dog based on their symptoms.
  • Your veterinarian may prescribe an antihistamine or other medication to relieve itchiness. Always check with your veterinarian before giving your dog an antihistamine. Antihistamine treatment is typically not effective on its own, so prescription medications that decrease inflammation, itching, or the overactive immune response are often required.
  • Supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids support your dog’s skin and coat and can offer seasonal allergy support during times of extreme itchiness. The Embark Allergy Supplement, a daily chew, is a proactive approach to managing seasonal allergies that can help your dog feel their best all year long. 

For many dogs, one or more of the above strategies can temporarily relieve seasonal allergies. In severe cases, your veterinarian may recommend immunotherapy treatment. This type of treatment requires an allergy test to determine exactly what your dog is allergic to, so “allergy shots” can be tailored to their specific needs.

How the Embark Allergy Supplement can help

Searching for seasonal allergy support for your dog? The veterinarian and geneticist-backed Embark Allergy Supplement can help. Formulated by veterinarians, it contains evening primrose oil, sunflower high oleic acid, omega-3s, and turmeric that may help dogs suffering from seasonal allergies by:

  • Supporting skin and coat health
  • Keeping their skin moisturized
  • Helping to maintain a shiny and smooth coat

With an all-natural bacon flavor that dogs love, the Embark Allergy Supplement gives dogs the extra skin and coat support they need during peak allergy season. 

Leverage the science of happy dogs with dog supplements for allergy support, gut health, and more from Embark!

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