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Mimi Padmabandu

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Go to "Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs" article
Health Conditions

Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs


Knowing how to recognize common signs of mast cell tumors in dogs can help you catch them early. At Embark, we’re committed to improving the life and longevity of all dogs by providing our customers with information about their dogs’ health.  With that goal in mind, we now offer a genetic risk estimate that indicates...

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Go to "Vardis Reunites With His Long-Lost Sister, Brunch" article
Customer Stories

Vardis Reunites With His Long-Lost Sister, Brunch


Vardis, a sweet-faced rescue pup, had spent most of his life in shelters and foster homes as he waited for his forever family. Along the way, with the help of an Embark dog DNA test, Vardis reunited with a special someone—his long-lost sister, Brunch. Their heartwarming reunion story appeared in The Dodo, People, and The...

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Go to "Dog Genetics 101" article
Understanding Results

Dog Genetics 101


Genetics is the study of how DNA is passed down from one generation to the next. It is a complicated, always-changing field. Here, we’ll explain the basic concepts in dog genetics and define some genetics terms that you might see in your dog’s Embark results. Key terms in dog genetics explained You may see some...

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Go to "Dog Toy Safety Tips" article
Preventive Care

Dog Toy Safety Tips


Toys are important parts of your dog’s life. They provide enrichment, exercise, an outlet for teething, and—most importantly—fun! But dog toys can also pose potential safety hazards. Keep your dog safe and avoid potential injuries with these dog toy safety tips. General dog toy safety tips Always inspect new toys before giving them to your dog....

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Go to "Dog First Aid and Preparing for Emergencies" article
Preventive Care

Dog First Aid and Preparing for Emergencies


Emergencies can strike at any time. Being prepared with a dog first aid kit and an emergency plan can help you respond to unexpected injuries, accidents, or natural disasters. In some cases, it may even be lifesaving. How to make a dog first aid kit Many of the items commonly found in a family first...

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Go to "Dietary Indiscretion in Dogs" article
Training & Behavior

Dietary Indiscretion in Dogs


Sometimes called “garbage gut,” dietary indiscretion is an issue that affects many pets, though it’s most common in dogs.  What is dietary indiscretion? Simply put, dietary indiscretion refers to any time your dog eats something they shouldn’t—including garbage, table scraps, or non-food items. It is often accompanied by signs of gastrointestinal (GI) upset, such as...

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Go to "Preparing Your Dog for Hearing Loss" article
Health Conditions

Preparing Your Dog for Hearing Loss


Congenital deafness is an inherited form of hearing loss in dogs. There are many types of congenital deafness in dogs, affecting at least 100 different breeds. One such form of hearing loss is early-onset adult deafness (EOAD) in Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs. (In fact, Embark scientists discovered this variant, in partnership with the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club...

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Go to "Preparing Your Dog for Vision Loss" article
Health Conditions

Preparing Your Dog for Vision Loss


There are many causes of vision loss in dogs. As dogs get older, it’s natural for their eyesight to be less sharp than it used to be. Senior dogs are at increased risk of vision loss from various age-related conditions, including macular degeneration, iris atrophy, and geriatric cataracts.  The good news is that dogs generally...

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Go to "Embark Partners with AnimalBiome to Study the Dog Microbiome" article
About Our Research

Embark Partners with AnimalBiome to Study the Dog Microbiome


In partnership with AnimalBiome, leaders in canine microbiome research, Embark Veterinary now offers tests and supplements designed to support dogs’ digestive and oral health. What is the microbiome? Both humans and animals have a community of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms that live inside the body. Collectively called the microbiome, these microorganisms play important...

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Go to "How to Talk to Your Veterinarian About Your Dog’s MDR1 Result" article
Health Conditions

How to Talk to Your Veterinarian About Your Dog’s MDR1 Result


By knowing your dog’s genetic risk for MDR1 drug sensitivity, you and your veterinarian can take steps to make sure that your dog doesn’t have a bad reaction to certain drugs. What is MDR1? Multidrug Resistance 1 (MDR1) is caused by a genetic variant in the ABCB1 gene. Dogs who have this genetic variant are...

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Go to "7 Ways to Manage Anxiety in Dogs" article
Training & Behavior

7 Ways to Manage Anxiety in Dogs


Anxiety in dogs is rarely a simple diagnosis. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, anxiety is a response to fear and agitation, or apprehension when your dog anticipates a scary situation. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to help your dog cope. What causes anxiety in dogs? There are many possible causes of...

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Go to "All About Body Condition Score in Dogs" article
Preventive Care

All About Body Condition Score in Dogs


Wondering if your dog may be under- or overweight? Every dog’s ideal weight is different. A body condition score is a tool that you can use in between vet visits to monitor your dog’s weight and help them stay in a healthy range. What is a body condition score in dogs? A body condition score...

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