Breeder Tools and Services


Optimize your breeding program with genetic testing

Embark can help you optimize and refine your breeding program through our unique suite of tools and services available exclusively to breeders. With the most accurate DNA testing on the market, we have the best genetic data and insights to help you achieve your goals.

Breeder Tools & Services

Genetic Results Counseling by Veterinarians

All participants in the Embark for Breeders program have access to our in-house Veterinary Geneticists for individualized genetic counseling. Contact us for personalized guidance on how best to use your Embark DNA test results to manage and improve your breeding program.

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Find Potential Mates with Matchmaker

Matchmaker is an automated tool available through your results portal that enables you to easily evaluate and predict inherited disease variants, genetic COI, and traits of a prospective litter between two intact dogs, of the same breed, available in the Embark database.

Personalized Breeding Pair Assessment

Use our Pair Checker service to evaluate mating dogs you are considering for your program. Embark’s dedicated customer service team will analyze each proposed pair to identify the optimal genetic matches that maximize the health and success of the dogs’ potential litter. This analysis includes the expected occurrence of genetic health conditions, traits, and the coefficient of inbreeding (COI) of the litter. This service can also be used to help identify future breeding dogs for your program.