We’re on a mission others haven’t even tried to sniff
Embark is the only canine genetics company that uses a research-grade DNA genotyping platform, which our industry-leading scientists spent years developing at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. That not only means that we can give you the most accurate results, but it gives us the greatest potential to make future genetic discoveries. Every dog in our database brings us closer to realizing our goal of ending preventable disease in dogs.
Discover your dog’s relatives
Embark is the world’s first canine relative finder. Using our Doggy DNA Relative Finder, we connect you with other Embark dogs that are related to your pup based on the percentage of DNA they share!

Most accurate breed identification with over 350 breeds, types, and varieties tested
Tests for over 270+ health risks
More than 55 trait tests
The world's first canine relative finder
Developed by Dr. Adam Boyko, leading dog geneticist and professor at Cornell University
Contribute to scientific discovery to help end preventable disease in dogs
Updates to results whenever possible
Highest rated test on the market
Highly specialized veterinarians and canine geneticists on-staff to answer questions
Other Dog DNA Tests
Inaccurate or incomplete breed identification
Generally 0-2 health tests
Generally no trait tests, only generic information about the breed
Uses less than half as much genetic information to assess your dog's breed
Endorsed by scientists
The Bottom Line
Embark offers the most accurate test on the market, analyzing over twice as much genetic information than the competition. Join our community of dog lovers who have rated Embark higher than any other dog DNA test available.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Embark the most accurate?
Embark uses a research-grade genotyping chip to look at your dog's DNA. It's the same kind of technology used for human genetic research, so you can trust that it's reliable.
What happens if my dog’s ma or paw (we couldn’t help ourselves with that pun!) is tested in the next month, or in the future? Will I see them in Doggy DNA Relative Finder?
Your Doggy DNA Relatives today are just the beginning. As more and more dogs Embark with us, we'll send you updated Relatives, uncover new discoveries about your dog's extended family, and further enable you to connect other dog owners to your dog's distant relatives. Because every dog that Embarks with us becomes our family, too.
How long does it take?
Our typical turnaround time from when your test kit is returned to us is 2-4 weeks.