ALT Activity


Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is a clinical tool that can be used by veterinarians to better monitor liver health. This result is not associated with liver disease. ALT is one of several values veterinarians measure on routine blood work to evaluate the liver. It is a naturally occurring enzyme located in liver cells that helps break down protein. When the liver is damaged or inflamed, ALT is released into the bloodstream.

  • Signs and symptoms

    Dogs do not show any outward signs when they have this clinical trait.

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  • Diagnosis

    Genetic testing is the only way to provide your veterinarian with this clinical tool.

  • Treatment

    Veterinarians may recommend blood work to establish a baseline ALT value for healthy dogs with one or two copies of this variant.

  • Genetic Information

    This genetic test can be used as a clinical tool by veterinarians. Veterinarians reference a range of laboratory values when deciding if a dog's ALT level is normal. Dogs with one or two copies of this variant have an ALT value that is low or on the low end of the normal reference range. Vets can use this test to determine the significance of an increased ALT value.

    Dogs with one or two copies of this variant will have an ALT level that is either low or on the low end of the normal range even when they are completely healthy and their liver function is normal.

    Gene names:

    GPT ‐ chr

    Inheritance type:


  • Breeds affected

    This health condition affects the following breeds

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