Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis, HNPK
This condition causes the skin of the nose to be overly thick and shingle-like, which can be uncomfortable for your dog.
Signs and symptoms
HNPK isn't usually as upsetting to the dog as it is to the owner, but can be quite painful if the thickened flakes of skin are abruptly removed--so no picking.
This is often first recognized in juvenile dogs. -
Clinical signs, genetic testing, and biopsy can be used to diagnose this condition.
This condition can be managed with softening soaks and gentle exfoliation.
What to do if your dog is at risk
- Treat your dog's nose gently and follow your veterinarian's advice.
Genetic Information
This mutation was first described in the Labrador Retriever.
This mutation has an autosomal recessive inheritance, meaning that dogs must have two copies of the mutation in order to show clinical signs.
Gene names:
SUV39H2 ‐ chr
Inheritance type:
Breeds affected
This health condition affects the following breeds
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