Sensory Neuropathy

Brain and Spinal Cord

Sensory Neuropathy is a condition that affects the peripheral nerves controlling skin sensation and muscle control.

  • Signs and symptoms

    Affected dogs may have an uncoordinated gait (ataxia), chew on their lower extremities, paws that knuckle over, urinary incontinence, and regurgitation. They may lose their ability to feel normal pain sensations in their limbs.

    Signs typically are first seen in puppies, usually between 2-7 months of age.

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  • Diagnosis

    Genetic testing, laboratory tests, and advanced imaging may all be used to try and diagnose this disorder.

  • Treatment

    There is no treatment for this disorder. Affected dogs are often euthanized early due to poor quality of life.

  • What to do if your dog is at risk


    • Keeping your affected puppy comfortable and giving them the best quality of life you can are the only actions you can take at home.

  • Genetic Information

    This mutation was first described in the Border Collie.

    This disease is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, meaning that affected dogs must have two copies of the mutation to show clinical signs.

    Gene names:

    FAM134B ‐ chr

    Inheritance type:


  • Breeds affected

    This health condition affects the following breeds

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