Bedlington Terrier

Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

The Bedlington Terrier is a small and easily recognizable dog from the United Kingdom. With their fluffy white fur and sheep-like appearance, they're hard to mistake for another breed. Named after the town of Bedlington in England, they are not as lamb-like as they appear. Strong willed, hyper-intelligent, and sassy, Bedlington Terriers are particular dogs which will make excellent companions for discerning owners.

Fun Fact

Bedlington Terriers are known for their extraordinary swimming ability—they are very fast and agile swimmers.

  • About the Bedlington Terrier

    The Bedlington Terrier is a small and easily recognizable dog from the United Kingdom. With their fluffy white fur and sheep-like appearance, they're hard to mistake for another breed. Named after the town of Bedlington in England, they are not as lamb-like as they appear. Strong willed, hyper-intelligent, and sassy, Bedlington Terriers are particular dogs which will make excellent companions for discerning owners.

    They originated in the 1700s, though the first definitive records of them date to the early 1800s. Beloved by princes and paupers, they enjoyed quite a bit of popularity in their native England during the 1800s and 1900s. They were originally bred to hunt rodents and other small mammals, as is the case with many terriers, but now they are kept mostly as pets.

    This hunting instinct and tenacity have never really left the breed, however. Bedlington Terriers do not do well with other dogs, and they are likely to fight with other canines both in the home and outside at the dog park. Unless prospective owners are experienced, Bedlington Terriers should be “only dogs.” However, Bedlington Terriers can do well with other dogs, provided they are allowed to be the dominant one in the home. If confronted, a Bedlington Terrier will not back down, so they should only be kept with submissive dogs. When in doubt, Bedlington Terriers will be very happy to be the singular recipient of their owners’ affections. Bedlington Terriers also cannot be trusted around other small animals, like cats or hamsters, and should not be allowed to interact with them. Fortunately, Bedlington Terriers do very well with children, especially if socialized with them from an early age.

    Bedlington Terriers are well suited to many different types of homes, whether apartment, suburban, or rural living. Provided they are walked daily, they can adapt very well to apartment life and will adjust well to living in a city. Because they are also hunting dogs, they are equally happy in a rural environment where they are able to fulfill their former duties as watchdogs and rodent catchers.
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