Chinese Chongqing Dog

Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

Originating in the Chongqing and Sichuan regions of China, the Chinese Chongqing Dog is generally considered one of China's most ancient breeds of dog. This is a multi-purpose breed that was traditionally used for hunting. Today, they're more frequently companions and guard dogs.

Fun Fact

It's not unusual for the Chonqing Dog's ears and tail to be hairless!

  • About the Chinese Chongqing Dog

    The term "Chongqing Dog" sometimes encompasses two different breeds belonging to the same ancestry group. One breed – the Chinese Chongqing Dog, is a molosser-like dog with a short muzzle. The second breed is a scenthound with a longer muzzle, known as the Chuandong Hound. Embark's Chinese Chongqing Dog result currently includes dogs of both breeds.

    The Chinese Chongqing Dog and Chuandong Hound are generally considered some of China's most ancient breeds of dog. These are multi-purpose breeds that were traditionally used for hunting. Today, they're more frequently companions and guard dogs. As active breeds, these dogs are best for people who have the space for them. For the right household, though, these are great companion breeds with an interesting past.
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