
Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

The free-living, semi-feral wild dog of Australia, Dingoes are thought to have arrived Down Under some 3,500 years ago.

Fun Fact

Genetic analysis has shown that before travelling to Australia, the Dingo arose in Eastern Eurasia, where it interbred with the Chinese wolf.

  • About the Dingo

    The free-living, semi-feral wild dog of Australia, Dingoes are thought to have arrived Down Under some 3,500 years ago. The dingo is known for its almond-shaped, yellow-to-black eyes, highly mobile, pointed ears, sleek body shape, and bushy, low-set tail. Depending on the geographic location, dingo coats can range from nearly white to a ginger red to tan and black. Purebred dingoes almost always have white toes and tail tips (residual white).

    Dingoes have been kept as pets, though it is recommended to acquire them before six weeks of age for proper training and domestication.

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