Gray Wolf

Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

The Gray Wolf is the largest of all the wolf species. These are pack animals that are tactical hunters. While they are wild animals, wolves are still able to breed with dogs.

Fun Fact

On average, these wolves will eat 20 to 30 pounds in a sitting, but they can also go up to 14 days between meals with ease.

  • About the Gray Wolf

    The Gray Wolf is clearly not a dog breed, though these wild animals are the ancestors of the domesticated dog. The Gray Wolf, or Timber Wolf, is the largest wolf species. It is understood that these wolves play an essential part in maintaining balance in their ecosystems, keeping deer and elk populations in check. These are social animals with a complex pack hierarchy. The Gray Wolf is found widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Wolves are typical shy and reserved around people, but can obviously be extremely dangerous. While the Gray Wolf has recently entered the domestic dog gene-pool again through the rising popularity of wolf hybrids, it is important to remember that a wolf is not a pet.

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