
Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

Hamiltonstovares are a Swedish hunting dog named after the founder of the Swedish Kennel Club, Count Hamilton. They look a bit like other European hounds because they are likely a mix of English, Scandinavian, and German dogs. Not much is known about their history other than the derivation of their name. They were definitely not bred to work in packs and likely hunted rabbits, foxes, and deer alongside their master.

Fun Fact

Because they are known for being so friendly, one of their “disqualifying traits” in the show ring is shyness.

  • About the Hamiltonstovare

    Hamiltonstovares are a Swedish hunting dog named after the founder of the Swedish Kennel Club, Count Hamilton. They look a bit like other European hounds because they are likely a mix of English, Scandinavian, and German dogs. Not much is known about their history other than the derivation of their name. They were definitely not bred to work in packs and likely hunted rabbits, foxes, and deer alongside their master.

    The Hamiltonstovares are still kept primarily as hunting dogs, not as household pets. Even so, they are exceptionally friendly dogs who enjoy the company of all people, including children, and they get along splendidly with other dogs. Because of their friendly and trusting nature, they don’t make particularly good guard dogs.

    Given their history as hunting dogs, Hamiltonstovares require a lot of physical activity and are not well suited to apartment and city living. They can become destructive if they are underexercised or if they become bored. Therefore, a suburban or rural home with a big yard is best. They’ll need plenty of mental exercise, too, so it’s not a bad idea to get them involved in some sort of dog activity or sport, like agility or hunting trials. They are not particularly easy to train, as they usually think that their ideas are superior to their owners. They have a tendency to wander off if they smell something interesting, and they can be hard to train to return to their owner. On the other hand, because they are intelligent they can be good pets with proper and consistent training.

    In addition they are very affectionate, and they make a great family dog. As long as a family does its research and is familiar with the challenges of keeping a hound dog as a pet, Hamiltonstovares make friendly and loving family dogs. They are extremely popular in Sweden, but they may be harder to find in the United States. If found there, they are likely bred as hunting dogs. Prospective owners will want to talk to the breeder to choose a pup that will make a good house dog—unless they plan on hunting with them. If people are looking to add a lesser known hound to their family, the Hamiltonstovare might be just the dog.
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