Pharaoh Hound

Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

The Pharaoh Hound is an ancient dog breed who has changed little since their development more than 5,000 years ago. They were the dog of kings and may have hunted gazelles with pharaohs, hence their name. This loyal hunting companion later made their way to Malta, where they are now the national dog.

Fun Fact

The Pharaoh Hound is one of the oldest domesticated dogs in recorded history.

  • About the Pharaoh Hound

    The Pharaoh Hound has a remarkable personality characterized by an immense joy of life. Intelligent and affectionate, they take life as it comes and enjoys clowning around.

    As with any hound, they have moments of aloofness and can be strong-willed. But mainly they are a gentle dog who gets along well with others, including children and other dogs. They love human companionship and will seek out affection and attention from their people while still maintaining his independence.

    One of their most endearing traits is their ability to blush. You may spot a deep rose color on their nose and ears when they are excited, happy, or enjoying some affection. Many owners will train their Pharaoh Hounds to smile. Since this fun-loving breed enjoys smiling so much, it isn't a hard trick to teach.

    While they are too friendly to serve as a guard dog, the Pharaoh Hound will bark to alert you to anyone or anything that seems suspicious. Unfortunately, a lot of things look suspicious to a Pharaoh Hound. They will also bark if they are left alone for too long or when they are bored, so it's best not to leave them alone for long periods.

    It's wise to keep this dog on leash whenever they are in an unfenced area. Even if they obey your every command at home, their prey instinct is so strong they will be off — and temporarily deaf to your commands — if they spot anything interesting.
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