
Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

The Pug is a breed of dog with a wrinkly, short-muzzled face and curled tail. Pugs are known for being sociable and gentle companion dogs.

Fun Fact

They are the official dog of the House of Orange – After a heroic Pug called Pompey saved the life of a prince, the breed became the dog of choice by the House of Orange-Nassau dynasty.

  • About the Pug

    Pugs often are described as a lot of dog in a small space. These sturdy, compact dogs are a part of the American Kennel Club’s Toy group, and are known as the clowns of the canine world because they have a great sense of humor and like to show off. Originally bred to be a lap dog, the Pug thrives on human companionship. Pugs are strong willed but rarely aggressive, and are suitable for families with children. The majority of the breed is very fond of children and sturdy enough to properly play with them. Depending on their owner's mood, they can be quiet and docile but also vivacious and teasing. Pugs tend to be intuitive and sensitive to the moods of their owners and are usually eager to please them. Pugs tend to have a somewhat lazy nature and spend a lot of time napping. They are often called "shadows" because they follow their owners around and like to stay close to the action, craving attention and affection from their owners
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