Pyrenean Mastiff

Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

For a long time, the Pyrenean Mastiff accompanied the herds of sheep in its migratory paths. Its main function was to guard and protect the herds and its masters of the attacks of wolves, bears and thieves.

Fun Fact

During the 20th century, especially after the Spanish Civil War, due to economic difficulties, the mastiff went into decline as it was very expensive to keep a dog of its size.

  • About the Pyrenean Mastiff

    This strong, rustic breed is self-reliant and calm. It is even-tempered and docile at home and is protective with children. It is gentle with other dogs as well as other pets and people it knows. However, if challenged, the Pyrenean Mastiff will not hesitate to defend its family or itself from a perceived threat. Although it is gentle and kind with a loving temperament, it takes its work seriously and needs a strong, experienced leader. Certainly this large breed should be socialized from puppyhood to encourage confidence, but it will always be in its nature to remain suspicious of strangers. The Pyrenean Mastiff does not require a great deal of exercise, but it will become bored and restless without a sufficient amount. Several daily walks will give it the opportunity it needs to check its surroundings and get exercise. Outings are also a great way to socialize the Pyrenean Mastiff, who becomes gentler and more trusting with every friend it makes along the way.
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