Russian Toy

Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

Russian Toys are a tiny breed from Russia, which their name definitely implies. Originally created from the Manchester Terrier in the United Kingdom, Russian Toys are prized for their gentle nature and small stature.

Fun Fact

Like many other Russian breeds, the Russian Toy was saved from extinction by the fall of the Iron Curtain in the 1940’s, when Russian dogs were allowed to be exported around the world and gained popularity.

  • About the Russian Toy

    Russian Toys are a tiny breed from Russia, which their name definitely implies. Originally created from the Manchester Terrier in the United Kingdom, Russian Toys are prized for their gentle nature and small stature.

    Russian Toy dogs are one of the smallest breeds in the world. While they are primarily kept as pets, they were actually bred to be ratters (which seems a little surprising because they aren’t much bigger than a rat!) and still have a bit of that feistiness in them. They come in both smooth and long-haired varieties, and they look a little bit like Chihuahuas.

    Russian Toys can trace their history back to the 1700’s, when they were commonly found on the laps of the Russian nobility. The first official record of the Russian Toy as a distinct breed comes from the early 1900’s, when a few of them were entered into a dog show in Saint Petersburg. Russian Toys made there way across the world to the United States in the 1990’s, and were officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2008.

    Russian Toys make excellent companions for city dwellers. They are cheerful, friendly, and loyal little dogs who like nothing more than snuggling up on your lap. While they require some physical activity, just like all dogs, they are relatively low maintenance and will do very well in an apartment. They are equally suited to the suburbs or the countryside, provided they are kept as strictly indoor dogs. They do well with other pets, particularly other dogs and friendly cats, especially if they are introduced to them as puppies. Russian Toys are not suited to families with small children, as they are delicate and small and should only be handled by careful hands!

    Owning such a small breed of dog comes with a variety of special considerations, both health-wise and lifestyle-wise. Tiny breeds like the Russian Toy often need special food, special health care, and special attention to make sure they are not inadvertently injured. Russian Toys will do best in a low key home where they can fulfill their destiny as loving lapdogs, and would be the perfect companion to an elderly person or a quiet adult family. If your idea of the perfect pet is a rough and tumble little dog that can accompany you on hikes or running through the park, the Russian Toy isn’t the dog for you. This is a small, delicate and loving dog that is happiest when they are begin pampered.
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