Tibetan Spaniel

Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

The Tibetan Spaniel is a rare little fellow that hails from Ancient Asia. These guys helped guard the monasteries for Buddhist monks in Tibet. While they are hard to find nowadays, they make wonderful little companions.

Fun Fact

Tibetan Spaniels have popped up in early Eastern art, dating back to 1100 BC.

  • About the Tibetan Spaniel

    Tibetan Spaniels are small little guys that go all the way back to Ancient Asia. They were bred with the intent of guarding monasteries for Buddhist monks. They almost resemble small lions, a look that was highly valued by the monks. This is an intelligent and rare breed that is quick to learn. Being that they were originally used as guard dogs, they can be quite vocal when bored. These are low energy dogs that require a bit of grooming to maintain that silky double coat. Tibetan Spaniels value human companionship dearly and can make excellent lap dogs.
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