Volpino Italiano

Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

Volpino Italiano dogs are a small and furry Spitz-type breed that hails from Italy. They are a very old breed, and Spitzes in general are some of the most ancient dogs in the world. Volpino Italiano dogs and their ancestors can trace their roots back over 5,000 years, and they were so loved in ancient times that remains of Volpino Italianos have been found wearing decorative bracelets and beautiful jeweled collars. They have been well loved by Italian aristocracy since the 1500s, and images of them are commonly found in paintings dating from that time.

Fun Fact

When Queen Victoria went to Florence in the late 1880s, she discovered Volpino Italiano dogs. She was so smitten with them that she brought a few of them back to England.

  • About the Volpino Italiano

    Volpino Italiano dogs are a small and furry Spitz-type breed that hails from Italy. They are a very old breed, and Spitzes in general are some of the most ancient dogs in the world. Volpino Italiano dogs and their ancestors can trace their roots back over 5,000 years, and they were so loved in ancient times that remains of Volpino Italianos have been found wearing decorative bracelets and beautiful jeweled collars. They have been well loved by Italian aristocracy since the 1500s, and images of them are commonly found in paintings dating from that time.

    Volpino Italiano dogs were especially favored by Italian royal and aristocratic women. These ladies carried their Volpino Italiano dogs around like purses and doted upon them like children. While it may seem unbelievable considering how small they are, Volpino Italiano dogs were also kept as guard dogs because they have a wonderful sense of hearing and will alert their beloved owners to intruders by barking incessantly—a quality they still posses.

    They are still a very popular breed in Italy and are valued for their loving, gentle, and sweet personalities and, of course, their portability. Volpino Italiano dogs get along well with children and are a great choice of pet for all types of families. They also are well known for their love of other dogs and can also be a great friend to cats. They make good apartment dogs but have a tendency to be very vocal—they should be trained as puppies not to bark too much. They also will do very well in a rural or suburban home. They have moderate exercise needs and would make a good choice of pet for the elderly.

    Volpino Italiano dogs are very popular all around the world, and there are many breeders in the United States. It is important to note that while they are small and have historically been kept as fashion accessories and status symbols, they are still dogs and require the same kind of care as larger and hardier breeds. They need exercise and training just like all breeds and should be treated like dogs, not like children (lest they become spoiled and forget that they are, in fact, canines).
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