Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

Wirehaired Pointing Griffons are European gun dogs. Their precise country of origin is a point of great debate: some people say they are originally from the Netherlands, while others claim they are a German breed—others insist they are actually from France. While they have been recognized by the United Kennel Club in the United Kingdom, as well as the American Kennel Club, they are still relatively rare in both of these countries. Today, they are more commonly found in Germany and France, where they are still used as gun dogs.

Fun Fact

Part of the controversy about the nationality of Wirehaired Pointing Griffons stems from their founder, Eduard Karel Korthals. While Korthals was a Dutch national, he lived and bred his dogs in Germany.

  • About the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

    Wirehaired Pointing Griffons are European gun dogs. Their precise country of origin is a point of great debate: some people say they are originally from the Netherlands, while others claim they are a German breed—others insist they are actually from France. While they have been recognized by the United Kennel Club in the United Kingdom, as well as the American Kennel Club, they are still relatively rare in both of these countries. Today, they are more commonly found in Germany and France, where they are still used as gun dogs.

    Wirehaired Pointing Griffons can credit their existence to one man, a Dutch gentleman by the name of Eduard Karel Korthals. He created the breed in the late 1800s. His aim was to create an extremely versatile gun dog, one which would be multitalented, extremely devoted to its master, and extraordinary resilient while on the hunt. The mother of all modern day Wirehaired Pointing Griffons is a female dog named “Mouche” who was Mr. Korthals’s starting dog. He bred the results of his first carefully over the next 10-15 years. Once he was satisfied, he began entering them into hunting competitions. They did fabulously, and the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon breed was born. They were eventually recognized in the United States in 1916.

    Today, Wirehaired Pointing Griffons are pets, show dogs, and hunting dogs. However, they are not easy to find in the United States. Also, they are not especially well suited to life in an apartment, given their origins as tireless hunting dogs. They will be much happier in a suburban or rural home. They still make great hunting companions, and they would make a fabulous addition to a hunting home. If prospective owners don’t hunt, they’ll want to be sure that their Wirehaired Pointing Griffons get adequate exercise and time outside. It isn’t a bad idea to look into enrolling them in a dog sport, as their energy and intelligence make them fierce competitors.

    Wirehaired Pointing Griffons do very well with children, other dogs, and most other pets. Because they are hunting dogs, they should be carefully supervised with smaller mammals, like cats, unless they are socialized with them from an early age.
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