Dental-Skeletal-Retinal Anomaly


Dental-Skeletal-Retinal Anomaly (DSRA) is a type of skeletal abnormality affecting the teeth, eyes, and growth of affected dogs.

  • Signs and symptoms

    Affected dogs are smaller than their littermates, with short and angularly bent limbs. Their puppy teeth are translucent and easily break. Their adult teeth can be discolored pink or brown with defects in the enamel. As they age, their vision worsens

    Signs can first be recognized in puppies.

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  • Diagnosis

    A complete physical examination, including an oral exam, is needed to assess any changes in the limbs and teeth. Diagnosis of any vision changes requires an eye exam to visualize the retina.

  • Treatment

    Currently, DSRA cannot be treated, only managed.

  • What to do if your dog is at risk


    • Due to reduced vision, affected dogs should be trained using verbal commands instead of (or in addition to) hand signals.
    • Consult with your veterinarian about regular dental care.

  • Genetic Information

    This variant was first described in the Cane Corso.

    This variant is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, meaning that a dog requires two copies of the variant to show signs of DSRA.

    Gene names:

    MIA3 Intron 9 ‐ chr

    Inheritance type:


  • Breeds affected

    This health condition affects the following breeds

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