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Can Dogs Eat Eggs?


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Generally speaking, eggs are good for any breed of dogs, unless they’ve developed an allergy. They’re a nutrient-dense food containing high quality protein, iron, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins, all things canines need to stay healthy. However, according to the American Kennel Club, dogs should only get eggs as an occasional treat, not as their main meal. 

Are eggs good for dogs?

One large egg contains 6.3 grams of protein. Dogs need dietary protein as it contains amino acids they’re unable to make on their own. Puppies especially need protein to ensure proper muscle development. Eggs are also rich in essential fatty acids that are great for a dog’s skin and coat. A large egg contains 4.8 grams of fat to help meet their energy requirements and a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin D, iron, and potassium. 

Are eggs bad for dogs?

Despite their nutritional benefits, eggs are only safe for dogs in moderation. Eating too many eggs can lead to an upset stomach, and, at about 70 calories each, can increase dogs’ risk of obesity.  Whole eggs may also not be appropriate for dogs with chronic kidney disease or pancreatitis due to their phosphorus and fat content.Like people, dogs can develop allergies at any time and protein-rich foods like eggs are a common cause. Itching, gas, hives, and breathing problems are signs your dog has an allergy. 

Can dogs eat raw eggs?

Raw eggs for dogs are not a good idea.  There is no nutritional benefit and eating one could put your pet at risk for contracting salmonella, bacteria that can lead to a gastrointestinal illness called salmonellosis. Symptoms include diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Humans are also at risk for getting salmonella. 

Dogs who eat raw eggs could develop a biotin deficiency. Raw egg whites contain avidin, a protein that prevents gastrointestinal absorption of biotin in the digestive tract. Biotin supports healthy skin, cells, and digestion, and hair loss around the face and eyes is a sign of its deficiency.

Can dogs eat eggshells?

While eggshells contain calcium and minerals that are essential for dogs, they’re not particularly tasty and can also have sharp edges. One benefit is that eggshells may provide relief for dogs who suffer from arthritic pain. This 2016 study found that eggshell membrane significantly reduced joint pain and rapidly improved joint function in dogs. Always check with your veterinarian first, but if you do give your dog eggshells, clean and boil the eggs first, then crush and mix them in with their other food to make them more digestible. 

Can dogs eat scrambled eggs?

Scrambled, boiled, or poached—it doesn’t matter how your dog takes his eggs, as long as they’re cooked and you’re not adding oil, butter, seasoning, or any other additives. Chop the eggs into small pieces and give them to your dog immediately after cooking.

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How many eggs can a dog eat in a day?

Regardless of size, no dog should eat more than one egg a day. Smaller dogs should get no more than half an egg daily, especially if you’re feeding them eggs regularly. The best eggs for dogs are those that come from free-range farm hens fed an organic diet, but any eggs are better for your dog when given as a special treat rather than a regular part of their diet. 

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