
Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

Collies are attractive herding dogs, boasting a beautiful coat while being highly intelligent. They also make for extremely loyal and sweet family pets.

Fun Fact

Lassie", arguably TV's most famous dog, was a Collie who helped make the breed even more popular during the 1940s and 1950s.

  • About the Collie

    The Collie dog breed originated in Scotland, primarily developed as a herding dog. Today, the Collie still remains capable of driving sheep and cattle, but is also known for being a wonderfully loyal and intelligent family dog. The breed was propelled from humble rural farmlands to huge popularity among dog lovers in the mid 1800s, when Queen Victoria supposedly fell in love with the Collie’s good looks and soft temperament. This is approximately when the purpose of the Collie shifted towards participating in shows as well as herding. Collies soon made their way to America where they became popular among the social elite, before the AKC recognized them as an official breed in 1885. The Collie’s herding background makes this breed both intelligent and quick to learn. Collie’s also boast great athleticism, possessing great strength and speed. The sweet and friendly nature of a Collie, combined with their loyalty and willingness to please their owner, makes this breed a popular family dog. While not being as energy intensive as the Border Collie, this breed requires regular physical and mental exercise. The Collie’s otherwise quiet nature may shift to a barking nuisance if left alone and not entertained. A smooth-coated Collie requires minimal care while a rough Collie requires brushing every other day. This impressive breed ranks as the 36th most popular.
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