Norwegian Lundehund

Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

The Norwegian Lundehund is a small dog breed of the Spitz type that originates from Norway. Its name is a compound noun composed of the elements Lunde, meaning puffin, and hund, meaning dog.

Fun Fact

Not only does the Lundehund have six toes, but they can also rotate their head back to touch their spine. Not impressed yet? They also have the capacity to extend their legs to the side (much like human arms), and can fold their ears shut to protect them from dirt and water.

  • About the Norwegian Lundehund

    The Norwegian Lundehund hails from the rocky island of Vaeroy, Norway. Some scientific research indicates that they may have been around since before the last Ice age, and they are the only dog breed created to hunt puffins and their eggs! Slight, spry, and energetic, these small dogs are excellent climbers, and even have six toes (as opposed to the normal four) to assist in climbing steep rocks and other slippery terrains.

    Kept warm by a dense double coat that requires weekly brushing, these small dogs are hearty and require regular exercise. They are protective of their family, and are athletic companions for those who are willing to take them on daily walks or jogs. However, this breed does require some obedience training and socialization in order to be well-rounded and well-trained. This training will also assist your Lundehund to be more accepting of strangers. Overall, this breed is fun loving, affectionate, and intelligent-- a wonderful addition for the right household!
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