
Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club

The Papillon, also called the Continental Toy Spaniel, is a breed of dog of the Spaniel type.

Fun Fact

Papillons excel in agility courses. Papillons are popular show dogs because of their striking appearance. But there's more to them than just good looks. With sharp minds and equally keen agility, Papillons are more adept athletes than you might expect.

  • About the Papillon

    The Papillon dog breed descends from the toy spaniels that are frequently portrayed in paintings by the Old Masters, from as far back as the 16th century. He’s highly active and is a wonderful competitor in agility and obedience. The Papillon is a very intelligent and self-assured dog that has a very easy time learning new tricks. This dog can be sociable with children and strangers, but is generally reserved around new people. They can also be socialized to get along well with other pets, but care should be taken with rambunctious pets or cats with claws as they may injure it. If not properly socialized, Papillons can be distrustful and exhibit aggressive tendencies toward other dogs and people. Papillons may also be very playful and affectionate. Widely known as great companion dogs, they have the spirit and energy to keep up with active families, but can also be calm enough to be happy with sleeping in the arms of an equally affectionate owner. Due to their high energy level, they demand an augmented exercise routine, relative to the average companion breed. Papillons are known as excellent watchdogs as they will alert their owner to changes in their environment.
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