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The Most Popular Breed in Mixed Breed Dogs by State


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Go to "Genetic Testing for Type I IVDD in Dogs" article
Health Conditions

Genetic Testing for Type I IVDD in Dogs


Genetic health screening with Embark includes testing for the variant associated with Type I Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD), often referred to as a slipped or herniated disc. Type I IVDD is most common in “long and low” breeds like Dachshunds, Corgis, and Basset Hounds. However, many dogs of all shapes and sizes can be at...

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Go to "Gracie: Service Dog and Best Friend" article
Customer Stories

Gracie: Service Dog and Best Friend


 Gracie and Christopher Gracie was adopted in November 2017 at only 6 weeks old. Christopher had just experienced severe health complications and was looking for a light in his life when he found her. Someone had posted online about a litter of puppies that needed homes, so Christopher went to meet the pups. As soon...

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Go to "Senior Pup Siblings Reunite" article
Customer Stories

Senior Pup Siblings Reunite


Meet 12-year-old siblings, Allie and Cooper. These two gorgeous pups have lived their whole lives only an hour away from each other in Michigan…but their parents had no idea until Allie and Cooper used Embark dog DNA tests and explored our Relative Finder tool, revealing their nearby family members. Meet Allie Allie got her Embark...

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Go to "A Guide to Great Danes" article
Dog Breeds

A Guide to Great Danes


Are you thinking of bringing a Great Dane home? There’s so much to learn about this gentle giant, and we’re here to help. We’ll explore this breed’s physical characteristics, nutritional needs, playtime tips, and much more. At the bottom of this guide, look for our comprehensive list of all the health conditions we test for...

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Go to "Pup Sisters Wiley and Kaylee Reunited" article
Customer Stories

Pup Sisters Wiley and Kaylee Reunited


Meet Kaylee and Wiley, two pup sisters from California who were reunited after their parents learned about the connection with Embark’s Doggy DNA Relative Finder! Kaylee When Ryan and Kristen first went to the animal shelter in Oakland, Calif., they were sure they’d be meeting a pup they had read about on the shelter’s website;...

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Go to "10 Things to Know About Military Dogs" article
Dog Decoded

10 Things to Know About Military Dogs


Military working dogs have a long history that dates back to ancient times. They are trained in combat to become scouts, sentries, trackers, and more. Military working dogs are typically, but not always, Belgian Malinois, German Shepherds, and Dutch Shepherds. Here are 10 things to know about military working dogs: The first official military working...

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Go to "Top Dog-Friendly Beaches on the East Coast" article
Bonding With Your Dog

Top Dog-Friendly Beaches on the East Coast


Are you and your furry friend planning a trip to Maine, Delaware, or another state along the East Coast? Perhaps you’re looking for beaches in your own home state and hidden gems you’ve yet to explore with your pup. We’ve got you covered. Check out our dog-friendly guide to East Coast beaches, including the best...

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Go to "How Dog DNA Testing Shaped the Care of Two Pups" article
Customer Stories

How Dog DNA Testing Shaped the Care of Two Pups


Amanda and her fiancé John are proud pet parents to Roscoe and Riley. This happy California family discovered a canine health issue and turned to Embark for clarity. Roscoe’s story Roscoe was in John’s life before he met Amanda. The pair adopted Riley together. Both dogs were rescued from a shelter in Kentucky. Roscoe is...

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Go to "A Guide to Yorkshire Terriers" article
Dog Breeds

A Guide to Yorkshire Terriers


Are you considering adopting a Yorkshire Terrier? Do you already have one in the family? We have all the information you need to make decisions about their care, including details about this breed’s physical characteristics, playtime needs, grooming tips, nutrition, and more. Your Guide to Yorkshire Terriers With a stellar combination of traits, Yorkshire Terriers...

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Go to "Celebrating DNA Day" article

Celebrating DNA Day


National DNA Day is celebrated every year on April 25. It commemorates the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, along with the discovery of DNA’s double helix structure in 1953, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). A group of scientists—including James Watson, Rosalind Franklin, and Francis Crick—were the catalysts for...

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Go to "The History of Dire Wolves" article
Famous Dogs

The History of Dire Wolves


Today, many people recognize dire wolves as the wolf-like animals that star in the popular fantasy television series Game of Thrones. But dire wolves were actually real. These majestic animals once roamed the New World. Are dire wolves real? Dire wolves, also known as Canis dirus, lived during the Pleistocene becoming extinct roughly 10,000 years...

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