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Sprout Gets A Glow-Up


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Sprout was found wandering the streets of Chicago, covered in more than 30 pounds of matted fur. She was picked up by the caring staff at One Tail at a Time (OTAT) and given a thorough grooming, medical care, and lots of love. 

Keep reading to see how Sprout healed, how her confidence grew, and what she discovered about her true heritage along the way.

Sprout’s second chance

Sprout’s spirits were understandably low when she arrived at One Tail at a Time’s Ellis Clinic after being rescued by Chicago Animal Care and Control. The veterinary team sedated her and four people spent over three hours carefully shaving her matted fur. In total, 32.4 pounds of matted fur, urine, and feces were removed from Sprout’s body, revealing a skin infection underneath.

Aside from the infection, Sprout was in relatively good health. She had no bites, scrapes, or open wounds on her body. The vet team prescribed medicated baths every three days to help heal her skin. Thankfully, Sprout was able to go straight into foster care thanks to one of the rescue’s devoted long-term fosters, Elisa, who opened up her home.

Sprout when she was found (left) and enjoying the snow at her foster home (right). Photos courtesy of One Tail at a Time.

Despite the challenges she faced before arriving at the shelter, Sprout’s troubled past didn’t weigh down her spirit. At her foster home, she continued to recover. Sprout discovered her love of chicken nuggets and hot dogs. She also enjoyed stealing her foster mom’s socks and cuddling with them on the couch. Her personality began to emerge as she became more comfortable in her new environment. Sprout also began conquering her fears, starting with stairs.

Sprout’s remarkable transformation went viral on One Tail at a Time’s Instagram account (@onetailatatime). OTAT received more than 100 adoption applications for Sprout within just a few days. 

Sprout’s Embark results

The OTAT team received many questions about Sprout’s breed. They suspected she was at least part Tibetan Mastiff, but wanted to know for sure. As a member of Embark’s shelter partnership program, they tested Sprout’s DNA with a Breed + Health Test.

The results are in—Sprout is 100% Tibetan Mastiff! How and why a purebred Tibetan Mastiff came to be wandering the streets of Chicago, we may never know.

Embark breed results for Sprout show that she's 100% Tibetan Mastiff.

Sprout’s DNA revealed a few more fun facts about her. True to her breed, Sprout has a special genetic marker in the EPAS1 gene that allows her to thrive at high altitudes. Sprout’s AA result means that her body is efficient at delivering oxygen to her tissues, giving her a higher tolerance for low-oxygen environments. 

This gene was originally identified in the Tibetan Mastiff. It’s no wonder Sprout enjoys the snow!

Sprout's genetic result for the EPAS1 gene shows high altitude tolerance.

Embark tests for five genes that together account for 85% of a dog’s body size. Though it may not be a surprise, Sprout’s DNA results confirmed that she inherited the genes for larger body size at all five genes.

Sprout’s Embark results also indicate that she’s likely to have a long coat, with a genetic result of LhLh for the FGF5 gene. Her CC result for the MC5R gene means she’s likely to be a heavy or seasonal shedder. 

Sprout’s genes aren’t the only reason behind her one-of-a-kind story. Her incredible journey is unforgettable, too.

A bright future for Sprout

While she was in OTAT’s care, their team’s adoption coordinators began to look for a perfect home for Sprout. They found a wonderful family who had already rescued another Tibetan Mastiff, Wally. Sprout did well with the family and they made it official!

Today, she’s living her best life in colorful onesies and frolicking in the snow with her brother. 

“It’s been great to see how much her life has changed,” says Alli Rooney, Marketing Manager at One Tail at a Time.

Two Tibetan Mastiffs, Sprout and Wally, sitting on the couch together.
Sprout with her new brother, Wally, who is also a Tibetan Mastiff. Photos courtesy of One Tail at a Time.

Despite her difficult past, Sprout’s resilience and the care of her family have helped her bloom into a loving, playful, confident girl. The One Tail at a Time staff tell us they can’t wait to keep watching her grow!

Join Sprout and millions of dogs like her by testing with Embark.

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A Tibetan Mastiff wears an orange hat that reads One Tail at a Time.
Photo courtesy of One Tail at a Time.

Mimi Padmabandu

Mimi Padmabandu Contributor

Mimi Padmabandu is a scientific writer and Senior Content Strategy Manager at Embark Veterinary. She has written about science and DNA for leading genomics companies. She holds a bachelor's degree in Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology from UCLA and a master’s degree in Early Modern English Literature from King’s College London.

Read more about Mimi Padmabandu

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