Breed Surprise

Dog DNA test results can be surprising. We explain how genetic inheritance works and why your dog’s genetic breed results might not be what you expected.

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Breed Surprise

Top 10 Most Common Breeds in Embark Dogs


Can you guess the top 10 most common breeds in mixed-breed dogs? If you’ve tested your dog with Embark, you may know that breed ancestry doesn’t always dictate appearance, leading to some surprises. We often receive questions from customers about the breeds in their dog’s genetic ancestry—especially the unexpected ones.  We analyzed genetic data from...

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Go to "Can a Registered Purebred Dog Appear as Mixed Breed on a DNA Test?" article
Breed Surprise

Can a Registered Purebred Dog Appear as Mixed Breed on a DNA Test?


Dog fanciers are passionate about their breeds and the unique attributes that define breed type, characteristics, and temperament. Generations of careful breeding and selection have helped to refine these breed-specific traits and allow everyone to enjoy the remarkable variation that is represented in hundreds of purebred dog breeds. At Embark, we celebrate and support the...

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Go to "Why Do So Many Dogs Have Chow Chow Ancestry?" article
Breed Surprise

Why Do So Many Dogs Have Chow Chow Ancestry?


People are often surprised to learn their dog has some Chow Chow ancestry. Why are Chows common in mixed-breed dogs, but uncommon as purebreds? Learn more about this surprisingly common breed result with Embark’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Adam Boyko. Chow Chows were popular in the 1980s Although we don’t see as many purebred Chows...

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Go to "How a Dog Gets Their Spots" article
Breed Surprise

How a Dog Gets Their Spots


Spots and ticking can have a surprising origin in your dog A dog’s breed is more than coat deep. Dalmatian? Maybe not. Some dogs have spots on areas of white fur, commonly called “ticking”. While this is a characteristic of Dalmatians, many breeds can be spotted, such as Border Collies and American Staffordshire Terriers. Sometimes...

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Go to "All Splotch, No Catahoula" article
Breed Surprise

All Splotch, No Catahoula


The splotchy coat pattern called merle can come from many breeds A dog’s breed is more than coat deep. Many assume that dogs with a splotchy, merle coat pattern have ancestry from Australian Shepherds or Catahoula Leopard Dogs. However, this isn’t always true. Merle can be inherited from many breeds, including Collie, Great Dane, Dachshund,...

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Go to "Why Your Dog’s Genetic Breed Results May Not Be What You Expected" article
Breed Surprise

Why Your Dog’s Genetic Breed Results May Not Be What You Expected


Every day, we hear from Embark customers who are surprised by their dog’s breed results. This often happens with mixed-breed dogs that don’t quite look like you’d imagine based on their breed breakdown.  These expectation-defying differences are possible because of how genetic inheritance works. Just like you, your dog gets one set of genes from...

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Go to "Why Mixed Breed Siblings May Not Look Exactly Alike" article
Breed Surprise

Why Mixed Breed Siblings May Not Look Exactly Alike


“Are these dogs really siblings? They look nothing alike.”  This is a common question people have after using our Relative Finder. After you’ve Embarked your pup, there is a chance that you’ll come across dogs who are very closely related to yours, but look very different.  We’ve written previously about how the breed(s) in your...

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Go to "What’s in Your Dog? Why Breed Doesn’t Always Dictate Appearance" article
Breed Surprise

What’s in Your Dog? Why Breed Doesn’t Always Dictate Appearance


What makes a dog breed a dog breed? Let’s answer that question using one of the most popular breeds today as an example: the Corgi. For starters, the signature bobtail in the Pembroke Welsh Corgis comes from a mutation in the T-box gene. Without it, the Corgi everyone knows and loves would look totally different....

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