How Dog DNA Testing Works
Genetics and inheritance can be complicated. Learn all about how dog DNA testing works, from genetics 101 to the science behind DNA genotyping technology and our laboratory processes.
Oedipus Rex: Dog Inbreeding, its Consequences, and its Quantification
For millenia, dog breeders have intentionally mated relatives as a way to fix traits in a lineage, recognizing that there is a reduction of fitness in offspring of close relatives. However, this certainly wasn’t always intentional as one can see from this post on the Hapsburg lip. A century ago, Sewall Wright devised the coefficient...
Genetic Weight: Informed by Science, and You
Greetings, Embarkers! I want to spend a bit of time discussing one of our features: genetic weight. We get a lot of questions about this: How do we arrive at your dog’s individual results? How come we get it wrong sometimes? Read on to learn more. The reason dogs rule (from a genomicist’s point of...